Milford Track and Routeburn Track in May

  • Ill be setting off to New Zealand this May and am planning to walk the Milford Track and Routeburn track back to back. I was wondering what kind of elements im going to be up against during the first two weeks of May in terms of weather and volume on the tracks. Also was looking for a little bit of advise on which track i should start with first? If i start off in Queenstown, seeing as its not peak season, will there still be ample transportation to get me from Queenstown to the start of one of the tracks then transportation to the next track and back to Queenstown? Thanks for any advise!
  • You will probably have snow and possibly avalanche danger on both tracks. However, don't let that put you off, the Routeburn is a wonderful place in winter and even if you can't complete the crossing then it will be great. You shouldn't have a problem getting transport to either end of the Routeburn. The Milford is a different story. It is the off season and, as both ends of the track are accessed by boat, you won't be able to get in. It is possible to get to the Glade House end of the Milford by crossing a high pass, but that will depend on your back country skills. At the Milford end the only possible way to get to the track is by boat so you would have to find a friendly fisherman to take you over. Whatever you do, take advise from the local DOC office at the time as to the conditions.
  • Thanks for the quick reply! If im able to get to the Milford end and find someone to drop me off how difficult will it be for me to get transportation at the other end back to queenstown? Also how well defined is the track, especially with snow on the ground, will the track be marked well enough to find your way?
  • Transport from the Te Anau end will be tricky. It is a remote part of the lake and in the off season I doubt there would be much reason for anyone to go there. As for snow. The track is very well marked and I expect most of it will be snow free as the valley portions are quite low. However the track crossing the pass goes across some pretty dangerous avalanche chutes. I was in there in May one year and we got caught in a snow storm. We were very fit back then and the next day we were virtually running across the pass in waist deep snow so we spent the minimum time in the paths of avalanches. Then we had to come out over the high pass after that and had to run it once again.
  • Ive been on the Milford Track in early May. Just check with DOC or Track Net in Te Anau. Transport will contintue to be provided for as long as the weather is suitable.No idea how long this is, and I beleive some bridges on the Milford Track are taken out in June to prevent damage from avalanches. Someone I know was caught in an avalanche on the Routeburn Track in early April, so weather and timing is extremely variable. A backup option could be the Kepler Track if necessary. Good luck.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by new jersey
On 23 January 2010
Replies 4
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