Partners for milford trek

  • I'm from Scotland and and would like some info on Milford Trek or if there is anything similar or better that takes less organisation.I'm hoping to be in NZ by 21st Feb but hope to trek around 1st/2nd week of March - have i left this too late for booking even if I go myself? Any advice greatly appreciated
  • Hey zorch, Last I checked, milford is booked thru april, so I'm doing routeburn instead. Some folks say its as good as milford. There will still spots avail when I booked the huts last week. I'm just finishing a tramp around march 1st in wanaka if u want to hook up for a trek in the first 2 weeks of march. I'm not super-hard core, but have gear and am up for some exploring. Send me a message if you're keen. Have a safe trip! Alison
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by zorch
On 19 January 2010
Replies 1
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