what do you drive?

  • hi everyone, i was just wondering what sort of vehicle everyone uses for going tramping in. i have a toyota carib 4wd but is not really suitable with it being lowered on 17" mag wheels and big sounds in the boot!, so i bought an isuzu mu which is great and will go anywhere. the carib is now my town car! i just a little curious as to what everyone takes on their tramping missions!
  • In my case as a visitor to NZ's North Island in Jan-Mar 2008, I plan to have an ordinary car to get to tramps namely The Pinnacles in Coromandel, Lake Waikaremoana, Tongariro Northern Circuit, Urchin-Umukarikari Circuit, Mt Taranaki High-Level Circuit, Pouakai Track, tramps in Northern and Central Ruahine Range, Mt Holdsworth Circuit, and Tararua Peaks. I would like to know if it will be possible for me to get around with it? Thanking you.
  • There are few places in Newzealand where an ordinary car carnt get you to the start of a track. Even 4 wheel drive isnt really needed. You do need to consider theft and damage though. Many of the areas are not secure and for this reason i usually keep an older less expensive car for my trips and leave nothing of interest in them.
  • Thanks for letting me know. i will check out with Park Staff before heading for tramps. Yes, I plan to get an old and less expensive car. What to be left in the car will include: food, maps and the info. about the trip.
  • I agree with bigpaul. I used to travel to tramping and skiing roadends in my 69' VW Beetle no problems. Still only have a 2WD. The only time you really need a 4WD accessing tramps in NZ is to get up some of the big, braided South Island rivers (to avoid a long walk-in). But you can usually book a local Operator/Farmer to drive you in there anyway. 4WDs are way overratedarted - it always amuses me to see them lined up at the skifields, gleaming clean!
  • I don't mind how old the car will be. The vehicle should be reliable. A station wagon would be nice so that i could sleep in the car if weather not permitting.
  • I have a fairly elderly Subaru Legacy which is handy for gear and not worrying about damage caused by break-ins (not that it ever has been broken into while tramping). I have slept in the back many times. It's very handy for that. 4WD is really good for those times when you get stuck in mud, but if you drive carefully in a 2WD you should be OK. As I recall, it has bottomed out a few times, such as on the Greenstone Road to the start of the Greenstone Track. After the "road" into Larry's Creek I had to knock the floor panels down again. They were pushed up by the Should have parked a little sooner. But generally, you should be fine with any vehicle. Just make sure you don't leave valuables in the vehicle.
  • I own a 94 Toyota Hilux Surf, I mainly brought it for going fly fishing but often use it to drive along sand roads while surfcasting... have gotten stuck in 2wd on several occassions and almost in 4wd. In most cases 99% of the tracks are fine in a 2wd... but often there would be a ford which is a bit rough. Having a proper 4wd is nice insurance. Before I brought my Surf I drove a Honda accord, I took it out onto the rivers a couple of times and it never got stuck.... although the car did not enjoy the trips.
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Forum The campfire
Started by russy
On 16 September 2007
Replies 7
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