HELI-HUNTING Peace and Tranquillity Destroyed!

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  • Hello all, I was wondering how many of you realise what is about to become a legal activity on our public lands and National parks. Helihunting, is where a helicopter is used as a shooting platform, or is used to heard the animal, or run the animal to exhaustion, then the shooter is landed, hops out of the machine and shoots the animal. Now dont get this confused with commercial meat recovery or culling operations, this is for wealthy TROPHY hunters. This practice has absolutely no conservation benefit at all as they are only after mature Bulls ( this practice will be mainly used on Tahr ). So if you like me and like to get off the beeten track, then chances are your going to run into these guys. And note, the wilderness areas are not excluded, or Mount Cook National park. There is pleanty of infomation on DOCs web site, also a wealth of info about it at www.fishnhunt.co.nz Look under hunting/heli-hunting. There are a number of vids on youtube aswell. Sorry, I dont know how to put up a link. I really think we need to oppose this, as our back country will never be the same with this intrusion. So do send a letter to our Minister of Consevation Mike Cuddihy, his email address is [Email address removed]. Cheers, lostone
  • Note that DOC is seeking submissions on the possibility of heli-hunting concessions until February 10th 2010. See http://www.doc.govt.nz/getting-involved/consultations/current/heli-hunting/ Submissions can be made online. There's an online petition (against) up at http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/stop-guided-helicopter-hunting.html with 2660 signatures since April 2009, but personally I think making a submission directly is a far more effective way of communicating.
  • Oops -- I should have said February 5th! (NOT Feb 10) There's a further and more specific consultation about heli-hunting in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park up at http://www.doc.govt.nz/getting-involved/consultations/current/heli-hunting-in-aoraki-mount-cook-national-park/ . The consultation for this one closes on Feb 1st, 2010, and a discussion paper PDF is linked from that page, which is worth a read.
  • Thanks heaps for that izogi.
  • Sadly believed DoC involved in this sort of activity. People could be killed too!
  • I'm no expert on heli-hunting, so please correct me if you notice misunderstandings. From what I can tell from reading the DOC stuff, this already goes on to a degree (apparently legally), and the framework for concessions on conservation land is being changed, hence the requests for submissions and requirements for operators to get new consents. Can anyone out there comment on the recent history of heli-hunting? It's not something I've really had anything to do with. Okay, so there are two requests for submissions from the public. One is asking for people's thoughts about general heli-hunting on conservation land in the South Island, for which a letter has already been sent to likely operators asking them to apply for concessions. This is following from the Wild Animal Recovery Operation concessions that have been active since December 1st 2009, but which specifically exclude heli-hunting. As the concessions process won't be finished by the start of the heli-hunting season in 2010, DOC has said it'll informally allow such activity from 19th Feb onwards until the applications are decided on. The other request for submissions is specifically about proposed changes to the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park management plan. According to the discussion document it's already an activity growing in popularity [within the South Island], presumably on non-conservation land though this is unclear from their wording. DOC also claims that it already happens within Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, and they're now trying to decide if rules against it should be enforced (which apparently is difficult despite the use of helicopters by a small number of operators that are legally obliged to adhere to rules), or if they should more actively manage what's already happening to put it above board. The submissions being sought are towards what is currently "a draft background paper setting out the facts to consider should the Department and the Canterbury/Aoraki Conservation Board propose an amendment to the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park Management Plan (2004) to allow for some heli-hunting within the park. In a revised form, following this 'seeking comments' phase, this report would be used to accompany what would likely be quite a brief paper setting out any actual plan amendments." Also interesting points within the discussion document for AMCNP (but by no means all the interesting points): * (Point 9) DOC expects $500 per animal to generate about $25-$30,000 of revenue per year which could be used to further control tahr. * (Point 16) DOC believes that animal ethics issues are more the responsibility of the Department of Agriculture, and that aircraft safety issues come under the Civil Aviation Authority. The former could still be considered through a concessions process, but the discussion document in its current state advocates an industry code of practice be formed. * (Point 17) The document presently claims that other users are generally avoided because heli-hunting companies have knowledge of where other part users are at present, and aim to avoid them. * (Point 20) Continuous flight monitoring is now possible with GPS and satellite systems. * (Point 21) Heli-hunting probably won't assist with the "zero density" tahr control policy for the park. Therefore it's a recreational activity, and following from this the question arises about what other recreational activities might need to be considered for greater aircraft access. * (Point 22) Foot access to the park is more difficult than it used to be in summer months due to less snow, glacier retreat, more crevasses, etc etc. * (Point 27) Heli-hunters typically use quieter aircraft. And so on. If you have an interest in this kind of stuff, you should definitely read the discussion document and tell DOC all the places where you think it needs editing. Even if the management plan is changed to allow heli-hunting within the park, the final form of this document will probably influence the concessions process. It does seem strange to me that on one hand DOC has a zero density policy (even as stated outright in the discussion document), but on the other hand it's looking to promote a recreational money-raising industry that specifically relies on there *not* being zero density, and would probably benefit from it being the opposite. Not that there aren't other examples, but at least in the case of regular hunting it's primarily New Zealand citizens out there who don't want it all exterminated.
  • RE: HELI-HUNTING Peace and Tranquillity Destroyed! Im no expert on the matter myself, but here goes. Heli Hunting has been going on illegaly for a number of years now, but DOC have never bothered to enforce any of the laws that they themselves created. The current WARO (Wild Animal Recovery Operation) prohibits operators from carrying fair paying passengers, this would include helehunters. So far to date ther has already been one death as a result of a tourist falling from a helicopter while participating in a helihunt, I believe his name was Harold Senter. This tragedy was largely covered up due to the legality of the situation The following is my opion on the points you raised from the discussion document for AMCNP. (point 9) This amount is nothing compared to what recrational hunters and other park users spend. With helihunting taking out most of the mature bulls, there would not be any incentive for recreational hunters to hunt in the park, therefore DOC would have to do MORE animal control. (point 16) All DOC is doing here is passing the buck! (point 17) How would helihunting companies know where all the park users are. All they know is where the main walking tracks are, pleanty of park users dont use the track system. (point 20) This system can be cheated, as has already happend in some WARO operations. (point 21) Other aircraft access? why not heli-mountain clibing? Just land the climbers on top of the mountain, it would save a lot of time??? (Im being sarcastic here) (point 22) Well I have no faith in the weather data that has been given lately. In the past few years there has been more than average snow falls, and anyway,if it was easy to get to what would be the point of going there. (point 27) Most helihunting companies use Hughs 500 air craft, you would have heard them in the past. Would you say that they are quiet? Animal welfare is also a big issue. Here is a youtube clip that all should see. http://www.youtube.c­om/watch?v=vcDMX4tQT­y4 Have a look, and pass the link on to others.
  • Hi lostone. I don't disagree with those points. I highlighted them because I thought they seemed contentious. I wonder if the death you mention is this guy called Clifford Senter: http://www.odt.co.nz/news/queenstown-lakes/1284/guide-testifies-inquiry-hunter039s-death -- the first name's different but the scenario seems about right.
  • Hi izogi, I wasnt tyring to argue with you, as I would say that the whole thing is contenious. I was just trying to show how weak and ridiculous DOCs argument is. We do seem to be on the same side. The way I see it is that the only people that will benifet from this are the Helicopter companies, the guides and wealthy trophy hunters. All other NZers and tourists lose big on the deal. Yes it appears Ive got Mr Senters first name wrong as that is the event I was referring to. I dont know how Harvey Hutton is still allowed to fly??
  • As I read it, the heli is only used to drop off and pick up clients. At no stage is there to be gun fire from a airborne heli. That changes my perception of what should be going on somewhat. Of course, would operators comply? This is why I made a submission asking for a clear complaints and penalty procedure. Other conservancy users can log the date, time and location and the perceived problem, and the operator can then receive fines or have their concession revoked if found to have been in breach.
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Forum The campfire
Started by lostone
On 16 January 2010
Replies 22
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