Waipakihi Hut Kaimanawas

  • G'day all, has anyone had any trouble leaving their car at the carpark off Desert road? Looking at going down next week but never been in from that side. Cheers lostone
  • Wouldn't recommend it. The Turangi area has a bad reputation for cars getting interferred with. There are plenty of operators in Turangi who will run you in and mind your car for you.
  • Thanks pmcke, I kind of thought that was the case but wasnt sure. Not like the SI West coast, left my car on the side if the road for a week and no one bothered it.
  • West Coast? The sandflies must have shut and locked the doors after they left. Looks like you owe them.
  • I just rang my old friend Olwyn McNichol in Turangi. She used to run the camping ground and has ferried us around for many years. They have moved on from the camping ground now but are still in Turangi and will still do car shuttles for a small fee. Her phone at home no is 07-3860131 or cell 021-02643688.
  • Hey thanks pmcke, i will certainly give her a call. Leaving a car close to a main road is always a worry.
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Forum The campfire
Started by lostone
On 14 January 2010
Replies 5
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