Routeburn early March - need partner/group

  • Hi Ali cat, Im im the north Island, so if your up this way and would like to go for a tramp up here, then drop me a line. There are pleanty of options up here too. Good luck with your South Island adventures, there is some amazing country down there. Happy tramping, lostone
  • Hello there Ali cat, Id definitely be up for a Routeburn walk, Ive done most of it before but deep snow prevented me doing the Harris saddle, so I did a section from each eand Anyway I live in southland so know the area pretty well get in touch if your interested,also up for any other tramps(hikes) down this way. Cheers
  • Hi there! I could do the Routeburn in early march as I will be arriving on S.Island at that time. I'm meeting up with a small group on the 14th march in Te Anau and have some time to spare beforehand. I did the Routeburn-Greenstone in Jan 2006 with sunshine all the way and would like to but not essential do the Routeburn-Caples instead this time. I have three daughters around your age, giving mine away a bit! Still a strong walker I am told with ten years experience of tramping in NZ and the world. Dave
  • Actually found a partner for this hike but thanks so much for the reply!
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Ali cat
On 9 January 2010
Replies 3
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