3 days 2 nights in Nelson Lakes - Which route?

  • I need your help! I have 3 days off in March and am planning on going to Nelson Lakes but am struggling to find a good route. The fact that Angelus Hut is closed is screwing me up too. I'm a serial planner and like to have thinks laid out well before I go. I originally thought that I would do; Day 1 water taxi to lakehead then up to Hopeless hut; Day 2 Hopeless to Sabine hut via Sunset Saddle and Cedric Day 3 Sabine to St Arnaud via Speargrass I have now thinking of discouting this as I may have underestimated the length of time Sunset Saddle will take. Other options I came up with is; Day 1 Water taxi to D'Urville and then up to Mole hut Day 2 Mole Hut to Sabine hut via Tiraumea and D'Urville Day 3 Day 3 Sabine to St Arnaud via Speargrass Day 1 St Arnaud to Sabine hut via Robert Ridge and Mt Cedric Day 2 Day trip up Mt Misery Day 3 Sabine to St Arnaud via Speargrass Are these routes do-able? or are they just ridiculously long? Cheers
  • Crisis averted! I managed to get an extra day off work so heaps more options are availble. Will likely just do the Travers-Sabine.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Amarok
On 8 January 2010
Replies 1
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