First Aid Kit Recommendations

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  • Hi all I've decided it's about time I knuckled under and put together a decent first aid kit. I do a fair amount of tramping on my own and wondered if anyone had a preferred supplier or could otherwise suggest/recommend either a ready made kit or perhaps what they consider the best things to carry with you? I've looked at the StJohns, NZFirstAid and RedCross offerings so far and am thinking I could probably add one or two items to these as per the Mtn Safety Council recommendations. Any thoughts/comments appreciated!
  • Take a look at the Lifesystems site, if you don't fancy them you can still use the info to make up a decent kit yourself I guess.
  • Have you done a first aid course? I found that was useful to see what I actually used for each scenario- although I've never used anything except blister dressings, strapping tape, splinter probes, bandaids, and big waterproof dressings (sold in flat paper packets about 10cm square - both with and without a gauze pad)
  • //
  • Bivoac Outdoors supplies a handy little firstaid pack for about $30 which has pretty much everything in it for minor injuries, even comes with a multitool which surprised me. Add a large packet of bandaids (I get covered in scrapes every trip I do), large box of Panadol/Codine, and a survival blanket (got that from R&R Sports) and I think Im good to go.
  • Thanks to all for considered responses. Yups I need to do a first aid course - haven't booked it but it's on my 2010 to-do list. Think the Bivouac kit plus a few extra items like sunscreen, strapping tape & panadol could fit the bill. Igwaddel - just how easily things can go pear shaped for lack of planning never far from my mind in the outdoors. I think I'm becoming more obsessive in this regard as the years roll by =)
  • For what it's worth, two things I'm gradually coming to appreciate in the first aid kit are Voltaren (heavy painkiller) and anti-histomines (mostly to dull down something like wasp stings).
  • Keep it basic, dont bother with the Rambo needle and thread stuff, or enough gear to do open heat surgery The most important fuctions of a personal first aid kit are to stop heavy bleeding, and some kind of pain relief. Need any more than this, eg, a broken leg, your probably not walking out and will be waiting for rescue, you should have means of raising the alert via other party members or a PLB. If its only a cut or a light sprain then youll be able to hobble out. Also, dont forget medication for any allergies.
  • You need to have a good stretch bandage and a roll of tape like micropore. Throw out any tubes of antiseptic ointment and bottles of antiseptic lotion. Wounds should just be kept clean [with water]and covered with a dressing.
  • LemSip stuff is great when your wet and cold and the chest is starting to close over.
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Forum The campfire
Started by monkeysh1ne
On 7 January 2010
Replies 23
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