First Aid Kit Recommendations

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  • Whilst I tend to agree that a stretch bandage is essential I also think that antiseptic of some description is very important too. Personally I use antiseptic wipes rather than cream as they take up less room and seem to last a lot longer overall. Antiseptics don't just help with the onset of infection they also play a greater role in preventing re-infection, and this is always a major problem when in the wild, no matter how clean you try and keep the wound. Just remembered another pack I used to carry many years ago but not sure where you would get them these days. A Gregson pack. Used by NATO forces if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, just a thought.
  • Antiseptic lotions can irritate/damage tissues, being chemical solutions. Generally if the water is ok to drink it is ok to clean a wound with. Ointments can be easily contaminated and you can end up adding bugs to a wound. A small bottle of hand sanitiser is good to use before and after handling wounds, especially if there is not enough water to wash hands.
  • Thats right fruitbat. The body is an amazing thing and as long as the wound is clean it will take care of it itself, within reason.
  • Don't wish to disagree too much but the obvious question arises as to how do you know that the water is clean enough to drink in the first place? Even if you do drink it and it appears that nothing is happened, it doesn't mean that it wont some time later. Most water born bugs take time to incubate before reaping their vengence. As for antiseptics being chemical, well of course they are. Do they damage tissue. Probably, but compered to the damage that can be done if not applied, it's minor. Can they be contaminated? Yes, like everything. But to suggest that washing your hands in what appears to be clean water and then to attend to open wounds on grounds that it looked OK, tasted OK, so therefore it must be OK is a very risky business indeed. Of course you are correct when saying that the body is an amazing thing and can do a wonderful job of healing itself, but your last remark pretty much sums up the issue in question: Within reason. I merely suggest that you should perhaps re-assess your reasoning here.
  • Normclimb - I wouldn't worry about the fact that we wash wounds with non sterile water while out tramping. 1. Most of the bugs in water that cause gastroenteritis aren't bugs that will infect a wound. 2. Yes there will be a few bugs in any water source, but at much lower concentrations than on the dirty rock, tree branch, etc that you cut yourself on. Washing will dilute out the bugs left in the wound and a lot less will be left there. (Also hopefully it will remove any foreign bodies which make it easier for bugs to become infection). In most cases the body will be able to deal with the few bugs left behind. In the emergency department we generally don't use any type of antiseptic. But having said that, we have sterile water there and can anaesthetize the area so it can be cleaned out properly. When I'm tramping, for any semi-decent gashes I clean well with lots and lots of water and then use some sort of antiseptic (ideally from a previously unopened tube) just in case.
  • Thanks for that, but I wasn't worried and who are "we". Merely expressing my opinion, that's all.
  • :-) The first "we" meant people in general. The second "we" meant doctors. I have an annoying and irresistable urge (annoying to me and probably to others) to try to answer any medical type issues I come across. Not that I believe doctors know everything. But like you, just expressing my (medical) opinion.
  • It was the first 'we' of the first sentence that I found a little condescending as it implies a 'we' of tramping to which the essential indexical 'I' (of Me.........normclimb) didn't appear to be a part of by implication. Hence as a bystander and non member of the exclusive 'we' club who should not worry my little head about matters as it is most likely something I either wouldn't understand nor participate in anyway. The second and medical 'we' I fully understood and bow to your greater knowledge of all matters medical. And I mean that in all sincerity as I have no formal medical knowledge whatsoever other than some first aid training. And your opinion, like all others is much appreciated.
  • Speaking only for myself I can only say thanks again for some lively and informative discussion. Is there anyone out there who knows about any noteworthy nz native plants that may be of help in the general first aid arena? I seem to remember reading somewhere that there's a native plant/tree out there that contains antisceptic properties. Not wanting to flog the discussion I just reckon it could only add to the depth of knowledge we are building here!
  • Couldn't agree more about adding to the knowledge base here and would also be interested into the answer to your question. Not wanting to flog the discussion to death either, I just want to add that even if we might appear to disagree with one another I still believe there is still great value in each and every contribution made.
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Forum The campfire
Started by monkeysh1ne
On 7 January 2010
Replies 23
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