Routeburn vs Milford...

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  • A walk on the Rees-Dart with a day side trip from Dart Hut toward Cascade Saddle for a view of the Dart glacier would eliminate the risk or hard element of ascending to Cascade saddle from the West Matukituki. You only need ascend some of the way to Cascade saddle to get the glacier view. If you're in Canterbury then Cass-Lagoon saddle,the Mt.Somers walkway or Little Mt.Peel would each be a different perspective. I wouldn't miss the chance to visit the Central Plateau in the North Island for something different Tongariro Crossing. The season you pick to do any of them could be integral to how attractive you might find them.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Sonia.R
On 6 January 2010
Replies 10
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