Tramping around Nelson - Abel Tasman in January

  • I'm in the Nelson area from 8 January and looking for people who'd like to join me for some tracks. Would love to do Abel Tasman and have a tent (one person only). I'm female, 30, easy-going and reasonably fit (not running up the mountains though...). Would be great to hear from you. Please email AnnaB.Frankenberg[at]
  • Hey Anna. How long are you in the south island for? I've been here a while doing heaps of hiking :) The two guys i'm with are heading home next week and it would be great to have a partner to do some trcks with. let me know if your interested. 0210746548 feel free to call me any time. Cheers, Toby (29 m uk)
  • Hey Anna and Toby, I've just moved to Nelson and am looking for some tramping buddies. I'm looking for a job at the moment, so may have some free time to head outdoors in the next few weeks before I find a job. I have a car, and a two person tent and biv bag. call me 5488836 or 0277579780. cheers Tim (24 m NZ)
  • My name is Will or nature walk or on this website. I am arriving in Nelson on 2 February. I will be doing many one and two-day walks as I explore the northern part of the southern island. From the eighth to 12 February I will be walking with my friend Elle over the heaphy track. She is in her early 20s and a white water rafting guide. Other than a trip down to the fjord lands from the 15th to 26 February, I will be in the Nelson area through the month. If you wish a walking partner I would enjoy the company. Happy exploring, WILL
  • I'm landing in Nelson on the 2nd and hoping to get out to the Leslie/Karamea tramp trailhead soon after. Anyone else thinking of heading to the Flora car park or Cobb reservoir around February 4th? I'm not a great tramping partner, as I dither around endlessly looking for fish, but I would love to share a shuttle if anyone is headed that way :) My name is Eric Gilmore and I plan to be at the "Paradiso" in Nelson on the 2nd and 3rd. Please contact me if you are headed to the Karamea!
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Anna Beate
On 3 January 2010
Replies 4
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