
My wife and i are in our sixties and took up bushwalking about two years ago. I was a bit dubious at first, because in my twenties and thirties i used to be a geologist. I used to walk around the scrub around mt isa in queensland. I'd carry a bag of rock samples on my back in 50 degree heat and wonder " why the hell would anyone do this for fun?" anyway it took me over thirty years to get over that. We are both addicted to bushwalking now. We recently completed a three day walk to cape pillar in tasmania.
Update, we did the Kepler track in April 2011...absolutely loved it and fell in love with the south island high country. Climbrd Mt Bsrney SE QLD in September, 2011 and did 4 day hike. in Koscuisko NP in Dec 2011. In January 2012 attempted to climb Cascade saddle from Aspriring Hut, but tight boot caused me to lose toenail and painful hobble back to Raspberry Ck carpark.
March 2012 hike up Dart river and camped at Cascade saddle. Fought off persistent kea all night.
Mueller hut .

  • mtbarneymtbarney discussed RE: Spot GPS Satelite messengers/beacons 2 May 20122 May 2012.
    I have used one in OZ very successfully. It worked well in Tassie and neve lst one message. On my ...
  • mtbarneymtbarney added the photograph, Cloud bank below Mt Cook 29 April 201229 April 2012.
    Taken in march 2012 on the ridge below Mueller Hut
  • mtbarneymtbarney added the photograph, Hoisting Lyn's pack up the slab 29 April 201229 April 2012.
    Lyn didnt want to be top heavy crossing the slab, so she went across without it and tied to a ...
  • mtbarneymtbarney commented on Matthew'sMatthew's article, Track grades 28 April 201228 April 2012.
    reply to jonjojjon....... Some people are prone to rolled ankles. I'm one of those and the problem just gets worse. ...
  • mtbarneymtbarney added the photograph, My wife crossing the schist slab below the Pylon 28 April 201228 April 2012.
    Being relatively new to this we found croosing the schist slab below the Pylon fairly tricky. The "track" was a ...
  • mtbarneymtbarney commented on the track, Cascade Saddle 27 April 201227 April 2012.
    I had two goes at the saddle. I aborted the first attempt at the treeline above Aspiring Hut, because of
  • mtbarneymtbarney discussed Kepler track in late april 11 February 201111 February 2011.
    Hi, i'm a newbie to this forum. My wife and i are planning to do the kepler track in april. ...
Member since 11 February 201111 February 2011
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