Types of shelter

  • I bought a liner once and tried it at home. Got in it and lay perfectly still (almost) Within 10 minutes I could barely breathe as it had wrapped itself round me to the point it was pretending to be a hungry anaconda. Had to get the wife to unzip the bag and help uncoil me. (Im glad she cant use a camera) I cant use liners
  • In aus and other places mozzies can bite through the silk liners. Ever since a horror night under the Haast bridge in 1978, I've relied on net inners and lots of chemicals - but only as necessary. Tents - I've used a macpac microlight for twenty five plus years. With and without the inner. In the tropics, in storms on exposed glaciers etc. Sometimes with two people. No tent is perfect - the microlight suits my solo use (its more like an intimate bivvy bag for two) and so far has survived everything I've demanded of it.
    This post has been edited by the author on 22 March 2015 at 11:36.
  • Cheers Hugh. I'll look that one up. Sounds like it's the kind of all-round shelter I'm looking for.... Geeves, mate, that was great imagery! I really did laugh out loud. :D
  • Mosquitoes are truly the bane of my existence. I hate them! There is no comfort in knowing it's only the females that make that annoying whine, and only the females that 'bite'. No comfort at all. Thankfully, I really haven't come across too many here yet. Oh, I'm sure I will in some places, but hopefully there just won't be the swarms of them you have to deal with in Oz. I was once up a mountain, sleeping bag on the ground (don't really need a ground sheet in a lot of places over there), and with a FOF net on my head, I wasn't really getting bitten, but geez, the incessant whining! And I had to roast in my sleeping bag to protect myself. How much more enjoyable would tramping be if you could get rid of mosquitoes? If you could get rid of just one thing from tramping, what would it be? Mine would DEFINITELY be mosquitoes! So yeah, I need a light, quick-pack shelter with sufficient netting. If there's a shelter that truly meets those three requirements, I'll be sold, no matter the price.
  • I too am looking for a shelter. My 1kg 2p tent was too grotty to make it through customs :( SO I keep looking. Krieg if you don't mind a tarp but hate the bugs wouldn't a mosquito net work? One that you tuck under your sleeping mat? Amazon has them. Have fun
  • There was a lot of discussion here a while back on choices of 1 or 2P tents. I had a Macpac Minaret for years until it died of UV exposure and currently use a Freedom Atmos but I was looking for something that was light, quick to put up, had a mesh inner, but could be used fly only for two people and was stable enough for general 3 season use. My search wasn’t exactly exhaustive but I did have a price of less than $200 if possible. In the end I settled on a Luxe Speedup http://www.equipoutdoors.co.nz/contents/en-us/d53_solo_tents.html I’m still not sure I made the right decision as it has a few quirks, namely the way it pitches in a slightly offset diamond shape and the way the mesh inner doesn’t quite hang as expected. But it is light at around 1.3kgs and very quick to put up. Also bought a Tyvek ground sheet to go with it. Took it up Rome Ridge 3 weeks ago and pitched it on a patch of snow just back from the Gap on the Crow side. Need a lot more mileage on it to make a balanced assessment but it did what it was supposed to.
  • Yea the Luxe tents seem ok, I have the lightwave (I think thats what its called) and it is a bit fiddly to pitch in the dark or wind but it seems ok in the bush anyway I wouldn't take it much higher. Really good value anyway I thought, I was looking at a Terra Nova which was around a grand!
  • Yeah Terra Nova seem to have a good reputation. The Speedup will serves a purpose as a lightweight shelter if 2 of us don't quite make a hut, or for food stops in the rain. I was looking hard at the Terra Nova Wild Country Zephyros1 http://www.outdooraction.co.nz/wild-country-zephyros-1-tent.html but wasn't sure if was ok for 2 people at a pinch, so then I'm left with up sizing to the Zephyros 2 which is too heavy and I might just as well drag along the Atmos. If I was just going for a 1P tent the Zephyros 1 would be my choice. At $189......I should've bought it :(
  • You could squeeze 2 in to the Zephyros 1 by pitching it fly only and using a groundsheet. I can easily fit my boots, stove and a 65l pack in the front vestibule.
  • They are Terra Nova designed but not actually made by them aye?
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Started by waynowski
On 4 March 2015
Replies 90
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