Pet peeves in the outdoor

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  • My Uncle. Who shall remain nameless is a bush legend and an ex forest service hunter. He has a little dog these days. A tiny little toy dog and he travels all the hardest terrain in the lower south Island the. He couldnt care less whatpeople that blindly follow the rules think. His little mate goes everywhere with him. And he goes places most people cant go.
  • Of course there were the famous Topsy and later on Betsey Jane who each went exploring with Charlie Douglas and found a good route for him on many an occasion. However they probably caught him kiwi and kakapo to dine on...
  • yup but there was hardly a shortage of kiwi and kakapo back then. kakapo were everywhere in the bush in large no's
  • Which is almost my point. Everything else suffers from the mistakes of man. Kiwi and Kakapo are not endangered because of dogs. Deer or Possum. Its because of man. Dogs are banned from the bush but not man??? The biggest threat to our birds are farms. They have taken away all the forest habitat. There simply isnt room for enough birds to sustain them all. 1080 dumps are a ridiculously naive idea and potential the last nail in the coffin for our birds. As long as man lives on these islands, so tooo wiill rats stoats and mice. What does DOC think will happen? By the way Gilly is Avarian averted.
    This post has been edited by the author on 30 January 2015 at 09:48.
  • Yah. Habitat destruction is another human trait. In NZ, from the Moa Hunters onward. Kudo's to us for reserves & conservation parks ?.
  • Dogs are banned from the bush but not man???
  • Dogs should be restricted, in some places. Don't think today's "man" is stil a risk, is he?
  • I dont get the forest and bird link to my comment about man not being banned from the bush? Todays man is not a risk??? He dams rivers to irrigate farms He dumps chemicals all over our hills He dumps rubbish all over the place He releases deer into the bush in the name of his past time He chops down five hundred year old trees for cycle paths He digs holes for coal extraction He wants to build monorails and tunnels. I could go on forever.
    This post has been edited by the author on 30 January 2015 at 18:40.
  • So we're all banned. No need for a tramping forum, no one will be tramping
  • shame on me for going tramping, i'm not worthy, i'm not worthy....
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Forum The campfire
Started by bradley1
On 26 January 2015
Replies 35
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