Beech mast fish boom ?

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  • @contour_lines ... You reckon this boom in rodent population is moving through the food chain and beefing up the fish ?. Incidently, the events in the year 1080 AD were in the 11th Century, but you got the gist of it. Nothing hard and fast in the rule book, but some topics are too divisive, so some would sooner not get into a slinging match. Regards ....
  • If by moving up the food chain you mean into the trouts bellies, then yeah. Seems like loads of people are catching their first trophy fish this season. The mild winter has played a huge part too though. I caught a really decent fish early in the season before the rodents boomed in Lewis Pass. Wonder what weight he'll get to by the end of the season. May well have to go pay him another visit before then! Haha I've never been much of a historian, well done on manning up and uttering that number. I guess trampers,or hikers as I like to call them (bit of a football/soccer one) are quite split on the "Rudolph" thing, more so than hunters and fishers.
  • "I guess trampers,or hikers as I like to call them (bit of a football/soccer one) are quite split on the "Rudolph" thing, more so than hunters and fishers." Thats an interesting observation you have there, not sure if thats quite the case on this forum however. The last 'debate' that was undertaken here on the subject of 1080 (and more importantly its wanton distribution into our environment), was seriously lopsided. It got quite nasty too, which is why it was deleted (but not before I screen shotted it mind you:) So, based on the outcome from that thread, and the subsequent comments on others, I personally, would conclude most trampers (on here anyway) are well indoctrinated by the system and are completely at ease with the whole charade.
  • Oh okay, so they're mostly in favour of it. When I said "more split" I kind of meant a significant proportion of people being in favour of it as opposed to the vast majority being against it, which appears to be the case with hunters and fishers. Makes sense considering hikers wouldn't have concerns about deer meat etc, and I'd guess they're more into their birds than hunters and fishers. Of course it's another debate whether it actually helps the birds or not, but that's one I steer WELL clear of. lol
  • @pipking "I personally, would conclude most trampers (on here anyway) are well indoctrinated by the system and are completely at ease with the whole charade." Indoctrinated; "to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs" Charade ;"a blatant pretense or deception" Interesting observation about most of the forum members,(that they apparently cant consider alternative ideas themselves, and dont see a deception when its happening to them).
  • Haha yea I see what you mean Contours, to be honest I'm not sure that being a hunter or fisher makes much difference when you have an agenda to push, as it appears some do when it comes to 'certain' political matters. @tararuaHunter (Lets spell names correctly, we all know where childish things like that head..) to start with, I was really referring to those on here that DON'T work for the Department Of CONservation (currently or previously) i.e. not SHILLS.
  • "No comment"
  • @pipeking, the spelling was an error, appologies. and I'm aware, that you were refering to those members, that DONT/DIDNT work for DOC, ie, most of the forums members. Your reference to shills looses me
  • To me its either pro-science or anti-1080. Anyone who opposes 1080 also have to oppose the entire scientific methodology which has consistently been finding it the most cost effective method to protect our endangered wildlife. I support the use of 1080, because it is by far the best available tool for the job, if a better option comes along I would support that.
  • Just come back from a few trips in the Poulter area where there have been extensive 1080 drops by DoC (not the animal health board supported by Fed. Farmers and Fish and Game). We were constantly serenaded by riflemen, and saw orange-fronted kakariki and a long tailed cuckoo on this trip among the usual suspects of brown creepers, robins, tomtits, keas etc. etc. We saw about 1 mouse a day if that and passed quite a few stinky spots where traps and baits were. There was quite a bit of fresh deer poop about. Hunters reported a few herds of chamois (nannies and kids) on Green Hill.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Pro-active
On 11 January 2015
Replies 25
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