What's the word I'm thinking of?

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  • Back then Xmas cakes would have used generous amounts of alcohol I imagine, which would have helped. Nobody would have heard of artificial preservatives like TBHQ…..except undertakers and taxidermists perhaps. I’ve got a food drop at an AP hut with ½ an Ernest Adams fruit cake in it. It’s been there since Nov 8th and my Temple Col - Lake Mavis – Tarn Col – Hawdon valley trip keeps getting put off. The expiry was Jan 15th? And I don’t think I’ll get up there till Feb. sometime, so we’ll see......if the mice haven't broken into it by then.
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 January 2015 at 10:35.
  • not the commercial ones. It was a little dry but otherwise fine
  • I had a mate in the Australian Army in the early 90's who worked in one of their big warehouses outside Brisbane. They had 15 000 cases of army ration packs that expired in 1976 but couldn't throw them out as they were a "strategic reserve" to be used in case of a war. Yum, tasty 40 year old beans and franks, finest botulism in a can there...! There is a reason that tramping clubs exist: it is to help show newbies the correct and safe way to get about in the outdoors. These guys acted stupidly, but who are we to judge them if no one has shown them the right way to do things? I don't know about you but I had fantastic mentors when I was young in scouts, the army and tramping club's. Its something that is lacking now.
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 January 2015 at 16:02.
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Forum The campfire
Started by strider
On 22 December 2014
Replies 12
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