Twilight Zone

  • I am not sure whether I have had a visit to the Twilight Zone or maybe it is the first sign of Alzheimers. I was lamenting the loss of a favorite fleece jumper, last seen a fortnight ago at Oturere Hut. It was drying on the rackand I packed it into my pack. However upon arriving Central Crater I wanted to put it on and it was nowhere to be seen. I assumed that it must have come out of my pack at a rest stop but this seemed odd because I am meticulous about checking for things left on the ground at stops. I went through my whole pack backwards when I got home but it seems that it was gone. Then yesterday, I found it, folded and clean in the draw!! The most likely explanation is that I never took it on the trip at all. Then what the heck was I wearing on the way to Oturere Hut and what did I dry on the rack and put into my pack the next day??? nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. Goes something like that doesn't it?
  • What medications do you take?
  • Yes, definitely losing the plot. On this trip I was actually even accused of wearing the above-mentioned article of clothing! It's not surprising Pimkey couldn't find a jumper in his pack as it is the size of the Tardis. I'm picking it was in the depths and his beloved washed it and put it away for him when he got back.
  • I have these problems as well in every day life i have been told it is old peoples problem,but we are not old are we Lindsay
  • Fruitbat.. I had hoped you hadn't remembered that. It is just that I am so meticulous about checking where I have been that one possibility is that it might have been picked up by someone else. But I am sure if that was the case then the smell would have made them return it very smartly. As for the beloved.. no chance... when it comes to cleaning up after tramping I am very much on my own. It definitely wasn't there when I got home.
  • I have just been looking through fruitbat's photos and found this It is me in a state of repose that comes very naturally to me. This was on Saturday morning before we started walking. I am wearing what looks like my fleece jumper. All the other pictures show me either in a blue polyprop or my parka. All I can think is that this is another grey fleece which usually remains dry in the depths of my pack. It has a logo on the left side of the chest but there is no sign of it in this pic. Strange!
  • Whatever you do, just keep taking the pills, at least until you return from the twilight zone!
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Forum The campfire
Started by pmcke
On 14 December 2009
Replies 6
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