
25+ years tramping (anything/anywhere). I also go underground, play in the snow and sometimes lug a rifle around to harvest some of the free venison wandering the hills.

  • stuntedstunted discussed Ruapehu RTM 21 September 201721 September 2017.
    Was also on the mountain last weekend. Not much in the way of snow fall till Sunday night then it ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed DOC incidents and abuse 11 May 201711 May 2017.
    Didn't see any mention of DOC workers being smothered by bureaucracy.....
  • stuntedstunted discussed Unknown Col 24 February 201724 February 2017.
    Has anyone been over Unknown Col (between the North Mathias River and Unknown Stream) in summer conditions? Route guides describe a
  • stuntedstunted discussed Mangahoa river to Dundas via Triangle Knob 5 November 20155 November 2015.
    Have been up it twice and down once in the last five years and can't remember there being any issues. ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed Unusual Hut Finds or UHF 21 April 201521 April 2015.
    Raise you 2 condoms still in packet at Cedar Flats hut. Have found the odd beer and once an unopened ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed Tama Lakes to Waihohonu Hut 7 October 20147 October 2014.
    Dropping down to the Upper Tama Lake is easy, sort of down sidle down sidle, lots of little trails to ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed Mt Taranaki, Saturday 28 July 201428 July 2014.
    Great day on Ruapehu too. Frozen snow = excellent cramponing conditions. Sunny all day with a cold breeze (not strong ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed 22 January 201422 January 2014.
    Yep, really good weather and amasing how quickly you can cover the ground on those sort of tracks. Big range ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed all gas removed from rangi hut, ruahines 12 December 201312 December 2013.
    Just a heads up that the gas cooking has been removed from rangiwahia hut in the ruahines. There is still ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed 18 October 201318 October 2013.
    When following the Mill Road (gravel road) you will get to an area where there is a small old hut/building/shed
  • stuntedstunted discussed 12 April 201312 April 2013.
    Pleased to hear the old track up the Julia Stream has been reopened. Came down that quite a few years ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed RE: Feb 2013 Douglas Landsborough Mueller Pass ... 19 October 201219 October 2012.
    Quite a long time ago we came over douglas pass, hardest bit was getting up off the morain to climb
  • stuntedstunted discussed RE: DOC open for trade 26 March 201226 March 2012.
    Probably see more on the conservation side of things like the Genesis Whio deal. Although who knows might start see ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed RE: Removal of the Mid Pohangina swingbridge 20 March 201220 March 2012.
    At the time of the removal of the swing bridge the track was to be re-routed to a more suitable/accessable
  • stuntedstunted discussed RE: Oriwa Biv 20 February 201220 February 2012.
    Haven't been there since the biv was removed but it is a relatively straight forward walk along the ridge from ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed Lewis Pass questions 13 February 201213 February 2012.
    I am planning a trip in the Lewis Pass area and have a couple of questions. Has anyone travelled the ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed RE: search and rescue 21 December 201121 December 2011.
    Search and Rescue does not charge for its services so people call for help before the siutation becomes really dire
  • stuntedstunted commented on the hut, Mangahao Flats Hut 9 November 20119 November 2011.
    20min or so downstream from Mangahao Flats hut the track splits, giving a wet feet option that requires crossing the ...
  • stuntedstunted discussed RE: Blister Prevention 20 July 201020 July 2010.
    I used to get pressure blisters around my toes but eventually figured out that whenever I got a new pair ...
Member since 30 June 201030 June 2010
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