tramping january-february 2015

  • Hi everyone, im a 33yr old Canadian who will be over there for 4-6 weeks at the end of January into febuary. I am an experienced backpacker(tramper) who is in need of some options. I have done extensive travell in the Canadian rockies and am in need of tramping partners for my trip.I love the backcountry and have river crossing experience and route finding experience. I would appreciate any advice and or partners in my trip. If you are interested please email me @[Email address removed] and let me know.Thanks very much all the best to every tramper and stay safe. Dunynel Geiger
  • Just been tramping in the peruvian andes with a couple young guys from Alberta and man were they fit. spent most of their time in the Rockies. If your anything like them you will be sweet. Just buy topos. Tracks are rough and steep. Wind can be strong. But be prepared and youll be fine.
  • Mattew, please please, proceed with PM option :))) This will make real difference, especially for those who are searching tramping partners :))) Thx in advance
  • dunynel, noticed not too much interest. Have you decided on anything?
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Dunynel
On 3 November 2014
Replies 3
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