New Minister of Conservation

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  • Again guys, don't try and over analyze this...national kicked everyone's arse and therefore have the right to govern as they want.i don't see a big change between smith/barry but lets see what happens.
  • I think key is looking for a "popular " minister to be in the conservation seat.. a happy face accentuating the positive and downplaying the negative of nationals policies to try and exploit conservation land... nick smith was good, but charisma isnt his forte... kate didnt have charisma or much afinity for conservation
  • New conservation minister endorses 1080
  • TV interview with maggie barry
  • "Just to put the cat amongst the pigeons, but Hitler got 35% of the vote in the 1933 election, the last held in ?Germany prior to the 1950's. And look at the trouble that let him get into..." haha I had similar thoughts abouts Keys goons turning over Nicky Hagers house, kind of reminded me of the SS Gestapo.. Scary thing is though, thats funny, but there are too many other actual parallels here that we should be aware of... this patriot act thing he is pushing through has agenda 21 written all over it.
  • She's certainly a bully in Select Committee. And don't forget Peter Dunne's support of hunter's interests; allowing them to take control of management of some DOC land. So she has a majority. Insufferable in a third term, I'm predicting. I do hope she doesn't subscribe to Al Morrision's view; that conservation in the DOC estate will be paid for by privatisation, through concessions. Certainly, the last sinking lid budget means the cupboard is bare. Plus, all that expertise lost with these ongoing redundancies. Doesn't bode well.
  • They want to sell it all off, National is probably the most neo liberal it has been since its inception. They dont believe the government should do ANYTHING but rather leave it to the market to sort out. It didnt work in 1890 and it doesnt work now....
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Forum The campfire
Started by izogi
On 6 October 2014
Replies 36
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