Babywearing Outdoor Adventure For Beginners!

  • Hi all! In celebration of International and New Zealand Babywearing Week, my good friend Corinne - a professional babywearing consultant - and I will be hosting an introduction to the magic of babywearing, as well as the fine art of doing real hiking trips with babies and children of all ages. It's a combination that is only available very rarely, so make sure you don't miss this opportunity! As a mum or dad, have you ever wondered… …if there is a way that allows you to free your arms from constantly holding your baby, so you are able to do the many things that you need to do every day? …how you can do all those things at home or out and about while still keeping the close connection with your baby that is so vital for so many reasons? …how you can save your passion for the outdoors from a personal twenty year long ice age without being limited to just doing little walks in Christchurch’s city parks? …how to do real tramping trips with your children safely and enjoyably, so you can have amazing adventures together for many years to come? If that sounds anything like you, make sure to visit: See you soon! Matthias and Corinne PS: Please share with your contacts far and wide! Thanks! :-)
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Started by Mariku
On 20 September 2014
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