Traip Reports

  • Hey Dont know if this is a dumb message But how about a trip report forum where members can post reports on there trips Just an Idea Cheers MATT ------------------------------------------------------------- Check out
  • Sorry My spelling is horrible should read TRIP REPORTS
  • I like this idea Matt.
  • so do i
  • There does seem to be a Trip Report category in the Articles section, but it only includes 8 articles. Is this what you were after? Skimming the front page for Articles, about half of the newly added articles seem to be trip reports of one sort or another, whether or not they've been categorised that way.
  • Happy to add a forum for trip reports. The advantage of adding them as an article is easier linking to relevant related content. Are others keen for a forum?
  • Just tried writing a trip report as an article (Raukawa Lodge) and I have to say the ease of linking relevant info makes it the preferable choice I think.
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Started by matt the morepork
On 27 September 2009
Replies 6
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