
Kia ora fellow Trampers.

I love getting into the hills.
I have a beautiful wife and three equally beautiful children.
I will go bush any chance I get. My children are relatively young so I have plenty of bush wacking ahead of me yet. Have only really just started schooling the young ones re the perils and pleasentries of back country explorin' 'n' livin'. Most of my bush experience in near where I live here on the east coast of the North Island: Te Urewera National Park. I am intending to take the family through the Able Tasmen tack in the next 12 months. Within the next ten years I hope we have tramped in most of the ranges and parks in the North Island too: Tararua, Ruahine, Kaimanawa, Kaweka, Kaimai, Tongariro, Taranaki etc. Aue! I wareware ahau. Tino pai ki a au kei te korero i te reo Maori. Ko te tauira ahua o te reo, te reo rangatira ake ake tonu. Mauri ora ki a koutou katoa, te whanau whanui o nga hikoi nui.

Member since 18 July 200918 July 2009
Status Member