St James

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  • Hi, Has anybody done much walking on the new St James Conservation Area (apart form the St James Walkway)? There seem to be a few options... * Fowlers Pass-Lake Guyon-Maling Pass, 2 days * Muddy Stream, 2 days * Fowlers Pass-Stanley River-Edwards River, 3(?) days * Maling Pass-Waiau Pass and back, 3(?) days Not a lot of info from DOC at this stage other than a general "We bought it so get into it!"
  • I have paddled to the end of Lake Tennyson then walked to the end of the Clarence. A nice day walk, not exactly in the conservation area itself I suspect. Another popular walk is to walk into Blue Lake in Nelson Lakes, then cross the Waiau pass and then walk down the waiau and over Maling pass to the road at Lake tennyson.
  • Back in March I walked up valley from the Ada River junction to Lake Thompson. I can thoroughly recommend that. Even though farming land I found the valley travel very pleasant. Quite quick going to the Upper Forks and then things start to slow down a bit as the main valley swings up through the scrub to the left. We walked past the turn off to Waiau Pass and from our camp site near the outlet to the lake we had an excellent view of the pass itself.
  • According to information I have collected, at Thompson Pass there are two options to get to East Matakitaki Hut. One way is to go through David Saddle by heading NWW and the other is via D'Urville Pass by heading SWW. Which one is more doable and safer in mid December?
  • I did David Saddle a few years ago in zero visibility-Not recommended! Cleared just enough for us to see a giant triangle a few metres away on the Durville Side. We may have also pioneered a new route up form the Matakitaki Side since we went straight up a rock face since the rocks on the intended route were too slippery. The other side we had to descent down carpet grass holding on for dear life!
  • You won't always be able to predict whiteout conditions and it would simply be prudent to get some training in how to navigate in those conditions. And of course you still need to take the time to apply the training rather than just stumble on.It's hardly a reason to NOT RECOMMEND a walk.
  • Just went through madpom's Route Guide: Thompson Pass - East Matakitaki Hut, part of St Arnaud to Lewis Pass which had been added on the 10th June 2007. It's quite helpful info. Thanks madpom and hellmission.
  • I had a crack on my own from Lake Thompson to East Matakitaki Hut, but like others, I gave up due to zero visibility. Incredible country, though, must try again sometime. I still rate that Blue Lake/Lake Constance/Waiau Pass area as one of the most magical places I have ever tramped. Even if you do have to exit via St James Station & Walkway, it is still worth it.
  • After spending a very pleasant night under the boulder near the outlet to Lake Thompson we walked up to the pass. From there we could see the pass into the East Matakitaki opposite but with the yawning gulf of the Upper D'Urville basin in between! We opted to keep as high as possible as we sidled around to the left. At one point we were only 150m below the ridge line so climbed up for a great view into upper Caroline Ck which could be traced all the way to its junction with the Waiau. From here the sidle evened out and a final climb brought us onto the col at the head of the East Matakitaki. The descent off there was slow but soon the upper valley is reached. Note good campsites on the forest margin at the tree line on the true left. From there the going improves somewhat until a large flat is reached which leads to the hut. That is probably enough for one day but we continued down to the junction and then up the West branch to the hut there for the night. I have to say its location on the forest edge at the junction of the river with two creeks is superb. Note for campers there is excellent camping there or further up valley at a long flat before the final tricky bit just before the treeline. K.
  • Hope weather will be nice. Has someone tried Moss Pass lately and how is the going from Blue Lake like in reasonable condition? Is a rope needed for the crossing? Been to Blue Lake and Lake Constance; but, I don’t mind to be back - a reminder of good service and great resource provided by Nelson Lakes Shuttles. Thanks K.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by matthew
On 24 August 2009
Replies 11
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