
Hi, my name is Kate and I live in Australia. My interests are walking (tramping), travelling and photography. My husband and I have made 5 trips over the ditch for most of the great walks, and a couple of back country tramps in the South Island. We love it. We walked across England last year. We are going next year, 2008, to tramp the Greenstone, Hollyford and Caples.

  • kate1946 discussed RE: Digital Camera 22 February 200922 February 2009.
    The IS lenses help to overcome the tripod. Taking RAW pics too gets a lot more detail in and good ...
  • kate1946 discussed RE: Hollyford Track 6 February 20096 February 2009.
    Thanks Glenn , sounds good am really looking foward to it ,we do plan to walk the complete track but ...
  • kate1946 discussed RE: Mueller Hut track 2 February 20092 February 2009.
    If you get up in the middle of the night to go up the path to the little girls room ...
  • kate1946 commented on pmcke's photograph, Abandoned 27 September 200827 September 2008.
    My back aches just thinking where these have been
  • kate1946 discussed RE: Need a tent on the Rees-Dart? 14 September 200814 September 2008.
    We tramped the Rees Dart in March 2005 never carried a tent had no worries. Dart hut seems to have ...
  • kate1946 discussed RE: Backpack liner 23 August 200823 August 2008.
    A dead dog bag from the Vet's works great ,you can get them in a couple of sizes (depends on ...
  • kate1946 discussed RE: Rees-Dart tramp 30 July 200830 July 2008.
    hi,did this tramp in 2005 it is still my favourite . If I were to do it again would have ...
  • kate1946 discussed RE: food 25 July 200825 July 2008.
    First night out we have sausages which we have boiled the night before (at the backpackers) then slice them into ...
  • kate1946 discussed Hollyford Track 25 July 200825 July 2008.
    Hi in March 2009 we are planing to tramp the Hollyford track as well as the Greenstone and Caples. I ...
Member since 25 July 200825 July 2008
Status Member