Demon Trail section of the Hollyford track

  • I have heard that this section of the track has been left untouched as to give people an idea of what back country tracks are like is this true. i walked the Caples 4 weeks ago and that was quite a walk up and down the McKellar saddle and one more question is there a right and wrong way to walk down steep tracks to avoid sore knees IE:more heel first then toes,mind you i walked for 9 days straight that could be why my knees started to hurt Lindsay
  • Trekking poles (shorter for ascents & extend longer for descents) do wonders for keeping the knees happy. Don't know if you're already using them...
  • It was a well maintained, platformed section of track when I walked in in 05-06. Up and down certainly, but with a good surface. No better or worse than the rest of the hollyford except for the gradient. Not really sure what the fuss is about - there's worse sections on almost every track I've walked. Suspect it just catches people unawares since the rest of the track is flat and valley floor walking: net expecting hills.
  • got the story on my website. The Demon Trail is not actually Demonish It is quite an easy walk with a 1-2 m wide surface with the odd slippery rock but we did it in the wet no troubles. Did it in Jan 08. DOC just want you to go on the jetboat!
  • Tried your webpage, but couldn't see the Hollyford Track one you were talking about.
  • That guy who said DOC want you to go by jet boat has got it wrong. DOC have nothing to do with it
  • @Mike B well DOC are really implying that by the use of this sign 'Challenging, rough and unneven sections. It is suitable for fit, experienced trampers only' Tui-Yeah Right The track is well benched and better than any track in the Tararuas or Ruahines and those tracks do not have signs like this one.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by lgwaddel
On 16 May 2009
Replies 7
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