
Hi there i am 47 years old and a father of 4 boys.I have been a keen tramper for the past 35 years and mountaineer.Most of my tramping has been in the Tararuas however i have done plenty of south island trips and spent a few seasons climbing at mt cook and aspiring.In 1981 my brother and i walked the Appalachian trail south to north.Took us 4months 3weeks.I am interested in talking with other AT through hikers to share memories etc.

  • beni1beni1 commented on mongo'smongo's article, Tramping the Appalachian Trail Part 1 7 May 20117 May 2011.
    Hi there, my name is Beni Paroli and along with my brother Luigi we hiked the AT in 1981. It ...
  • beni1 discussed RE: Packs 29 August 200829 August 2008.
    Hi again russy the other alternative is to lookout for a good secondhand macpac on trademe. Happy tramping
  • beni1 discussed RE: Packs 22 August 200822 August 2008.
    Hi there russy macpac has been my choice of pack over the years however since the company was sold and ...
  • beni1 discussed RE: Gaiters or Overpants 23 July 200823 July 2008.
    I always wear gaiters and shorts for tramping in the bush and on the tops in reasonable weather.A good pair ...
Member since 20 July 200820 July 2008
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