Ruakituri River - Waitangi Falls

  • Hey, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the track from Papuni Station to Waitangi Falls is like. I know it's supposed to be a 4-5 hour walk. Is there actually a small clearing to camp by the falls? Also, what is the condition of the track like as you go further upstream. I will be fishing, so can you follow the river bank relatively easily? Thanks heaps
  • My husband fishes there a lot and camps. I have tramped in a couple of times - the Falls are beautiful. You could ring Paul 06 8684785 to get details about access etc.
  • Hi there, I am also hoping to head up to, and possibly past Waitangi Falls, and am trying to get an understanding of the conditions up there. Would it be ok to give Paul a call on that same number? Many thanks.
  • Yes, no problem. Give him a call.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by flyfishernz
On 12 May 2009
Replies 3
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