three wire bridges

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  • Is there a right and wrong way to walk across these Lindsay
  • It's a long time since I have been on a 3 wire bridge but I never had a problem with them. I guess if you cross them the right way then you end up on the other river bank, the wrong way and you end up in the river. My hints would be to tuck your walking pole or ice axe away in your pack so both hands are free. Then keep your eye on the far side of the bridge, don't look down if that makes you uncomfortable. Then I think shuffle along the wire rather than one foot over the other.
  • Basically 3 wire bridges just need more concentration than your standard wire suspension bridge. My technique is make sure there's nothing to get caught up on the pack and clothing, hang onto the top two wires with your hands and to focus on the end of the bottom wire on the other side of the bridge. Then just make sure you place your feet carefully inline on the wire. The wrong way is to fall off the bridge into the drink...
  • I can recall that there was one three wire bridge on Waimakiriri-Harman Pass Route, one of the tramps in Arthur's Pass NP. It was rather long and far up from the river level. Fortunately, I was not forced to use it because the river was low and it was fine for me to ford it. It was a while back when I did it as a club trip. There was also a cableway on the route and we were forced to use it. I am of interest to know of the condition of the three wire bridge and the cableway. Love doing it again. To those who cross the three wire bridges, don't forget to put insect repellent onto your hands before the crossing.
  • LOL... Insect repellent. Excellent advise.
  • Thanks for all the advice,the reason for the question i will walking the Hollyford next Feb and there are several 3 wire bridges on the track and one very long one 90m,you only have to walk this one if the river is high with my luck it will be high Lindsay
  • The wrong way to cross them is to close your eyes and just sprint in its general direction hoping for the best. Also best to be first across, that way it prevents others in the party from shaking the wires from the other side while you are trying to cross.... Is there such a thing as a 2 wire bridge?
  • Yep: there's 2-wire bridges marked on maps in the Tararuas, but they all seem to have been upgraded or removed. The only one I've found is crossing the Kaura betwen Mt Stalker Stn and The Dasher inland from Oamaru. Good fun, I have a photo somewhere: an idiot on the 2-wire, with another idiot on a 2-wheeler in the river below.
  • I haven't come across any 2 wire bridges while tramping but have done a couple on confidence courses. They are a whole magnitude more difficult to traverse, especially when you have a heavy pack pulling you off balance and the wires are a bit sloppy or are too close or too wide apart. I would sit out the river crossing rather than use them, unless in case of real emergency. AFIAK only wire bridges are used in the Tararuas now, either the old 10 wire design or the newer suspension design. All the fun things like cages etc have been taken out. I did a trip on the west coast once and came across a 1 wire bridge (tightrope)...
  • Was it really a 1 wire bridge or have the second wire broken away from its support leaving just one? I have to do a few more tramps and experience fun things like cages before DOC removes the last one.... All the cages I have seen are for private use only :(
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Forum The campfire
Started by lgwaddel
On 7 May 2009
Replies 26
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