Te Araroa alternates

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  • hiker recounts trip along the Te Araroa Trail http://www.bendbulletin.com/home/2110443-151/trekking-across-new-zealand#
  • Here is a link to Kiwiscout, a NZer who walked the TA over the last christmas period, i Like it as it has the best coverage of the "official" route. http://kiwiscoutwalksteararoa.blogspot.co.nz/ I have started section hiking bits of the Trail as time allows, mainly in Canterbury so far but my plan is to get all of the South Island sections done over the next 3 years. There are some good parts in the North Island but personally I think the official route misses hugh amounts of beautiful forest: too much following the road.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by HikerBox
On 4 June 2014
Replies 21
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