Cell coverage section for huts?

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  • @Matthew Had a thought while at a hut in the weekend. Not sure if many users will want it though. In the hut's pages, where there is the table of info (e.g. Owner, water supply etc) maybe it would be worth putting if there is cell phone coverage or not? E.g I was at Herepai Hut on Saturday night. there was no cell coverage at the hut, but 3 mins further up the track I had full coverage. Don't know if this has been mentioned before, maybe worth it if there is the demand? But then maybe people like the isolation.
  • I like the isolation, but it would be good to know where I can get coverage in an emergency. Good idea.
  • Good idea. Maybe also campsites and tracks? It can be useful to be aware of this type of thing anywhere. There might also need to be a way of ensuring people indicate the relevant networks which they're reporting, and tracking the date when it's reported.
  • All good points @izogi
  • Speaking of which, is there such a thing as a Smartphone app that will track positions and combine that data with the detected cellphone reception?
  • 1 deleted message from madpom
  • There's this one which takes coverage measurements and uploads them to their database: http://www.coveragemapper.com/ Not a huge amount of data yet from NZ, but you could contribute by installing their app...
  • Hi everybody, Super easy to add this. I can do it this Thursday. How about a cellphone coverage checkbox along with a field where you can enter notes e.g. the network, or "climb the hill just behind the hut" etc. I have not done so as I was uneasy about people relying on cellphones. However that logic relates to everything e.g. huts. Phones are so ubiquitous that it probably makes sense. Uhhh while I'm in there, is there anything else you'd want to see?
  • How about if there is a campsite/room for tents around the hut or not?
  • @scottie good idea.
  • One good aspect about getting cellphone coverage is that it allows accessing the internet. Good way to check up on these forums or weather reports ect.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Scottie
On 3 June 2014
Replies 13
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