Umukarikari-Urchin Trip 5 April

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  • On Sunday 5 April I will be leading a tramping club trip to do this circut If anyone here would like to join us, they would be welcome. We will be leaving Rotorua at 7am so should be at the track at about 9am. It will be a longish day, probably over 7 hours and quite a bit of it is on open exposed tops. The tracks are all good. It would be a good trip for someone looking for an introduction to the Kaimanawas as you get good views of the Waipakahi Valley and also looking back to the Tongariro National Park. That is provided the weather is good. If anyone is interested I suggest they send me a private mail on this forum, including a phone number and we can make arrangements about where to meet.
  • Just a reminder about this invitation. looks like there will be at least half a dozen people on this trip now. We will be leaving Rotorua at 6am now, I didn't realise daylight saving comes off just before. Weather forecast looks good at this stage. If anyone wants to join us, send me a private mail with a phone number.
  • Hi Pimkey, I am in Taupo this weekend for Oxfam 100k Trailwalk otherwise I would like to come too as it's been on my to-do list for ages. But I thought I would do this tramp afterwards,if I can still walk. My question is - is it better to do Urchin or Umukarikari first or doesn't it matter? And are there any fish in the river? Thanks Fruitbat
  • Either way is OK. Can't think of any advantage one over the other. Not sure about fish in the river. I havn't seen fishermen in there but the old Kaimanawa Forest Park map has a fisherman symbol in the middle of the Waipakahi. I can't see any reason why there wouldn't be. The fish would have to get past the odd Tongariro power station and the occasional rapid, not to mention one or two other fishermen downstream.
  • How'd the loop go? great weather for it!
  • Great trip, great weather, great company. There were 8 of us. We started up the Umukarikari track at about 8:30 after having put one car at the other end for when we came out. We had lunch just before starting into the bush on the ridge. The best part was on Urchin when the cloud had cleared away from Tongariro and the late aftrenoon light was dramatic. Got back to the car at 4:30 and my little Subaru Legacy groaned under the weight of 8 people going back to collect the other car. One person said that this has to be a classic day trip.
  • Sounds really good. It seems I'm following you about! I'll head in to do the Umukarikari, Waipakihi, Urchin - 2 day walk over Easter. Might have to stash a bike at the Urchin end to save to walk back... How's the track looking?
  • All tracks are good. There will probably be a few people around, hunters etc with the roar. I was speaking to a woman from Tauranga yesterday who is planning that trip at Easter so you definitely won't be alone.
  • Yeah I had thought that'd be the case, I'll walk past the hut and camp an hour or so down the river. A bit of hi-vis and a whistle while I walk might keep me un-shot for the weekend.
  • Hi, can anyone give me an idea of time to walk out from Waipakahi Hut, over Urchin, on the new link track from Umukarikari. I was guessing a good 8 hours?
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by pmcke
On 25 March 2009
Replies 11
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