Te Urewera and Public Access

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  • I'm a bit surprised about the doubt being expressed in reaction to this news. In my view given the history here and the claim which Tuhoe actually have, this is an awesome outcome. The land isn't being handed to private owners with a fence placed around it. It's being redesignated to be managed in a way more consistent with the people who by most legal reckoning should have owned the land entirely since the time when it was illegally confiscated on false pretences, and that community basically being left to rot. It's going to be CO-managed by those people in coordination with a bunch if other interest groups (including outdoor recreationalists). DoC will still be there, and effectively the arrangement allows a National Park to be exchanged for something very similar to a National Park. It doesn't give Tuhoe exclusive control over the land, but it ensures they have a place on the board, and that their values recognised alongside other values typical for a National Park. It's not perfect if you like the consistency of National Parks, but this could easily have turned out much much worse for the vast majority of New Zealanders than it has. I also can't say exactly what's going to happen because this has never been done before, but nothing has actually happened yet!
  • good on them for getting some control, and i hope it proves to be a beneficial arrangement for all. at the end of the day, control should go to those best skilled to do the job.. arangements like this havent always worked out elsewhere.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by izogi
On 13 April 2014
Replies 11
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