mt arrowsmith routes

  • hey guys just wondering if anyone knows the easyest way to climb mt arrowsmith i know there are a few routes,and i asume the use of ropes is a must or are they? anythings a help ,the only route i know of is up the cameron river.
  • Go from the Lawrence. I hear is the easiest route, or 'the trampers way' as some people call it, it is in the guide book and probably online on climbnz.
  • Approaching from the Lawrence is considered easiest - however it will still likely involve some glacier travel (at the head of Moses Creek) and either negotiating a rock step to access the upper glacier, and/or some exposed scrambling on steep terrain. Easiest - probably - but still generally a Grade 2 climb. Enjoy!!
  • Lawrence is just a huge walk in though. Just go the standered route in spring time, it is cake walk then. A total sand bag at 3-.
  • cheerz guys, whats the climbing grade range between ?
  • It takes about as long to walk up the Lawrence as it does to walk up the Cameron, so no real advantage either way there. Climbing grades I believe range from Grade 2 (as outlined in my earlier reply) up to 3+/4- for routes from the Hakatere or Cameron, of course all totally dependent on conditions you encounter on the day.
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Forum The campfire
Started by chriso12
On 18 March 2014
Replies 5
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