Unmaintained track Egmont NP

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  • Does anyone know what state the old track that goes from the Stony River (near the Puniho road end) up to Pouakai is like? I know someone who went up it about 9 years ago and it was still OK to travel then. I would be interested to hear if anyone has been on it more recently than that.
  • Not from first-hand experience, but do you mean this one? http://www.windy.gen.nz/index.php/archives/690/comment-page-1#comment-50482 That noted, I'm unsure when Stuart was last there.
  • Oops, sorry. Scroll further down that page and Stuart posted an update following a recent visit, with a fair amount of detail.
  • Many thanks izogi (and Stuart) that is very helpful. We are looking at a slightly elongated round the mountain trip for Wellington Aniversary weekend using that track so pleased to hear that it sounds quite doable (as long as the Stony river is crossable at the time).
  • 1 deleted message from izogi
  • Glad it helped. Keep in mind that his recent visit was still actually in late 2012. But it's not as if it was 15 years ago, I guess. I have Stuart's contact details somewhere if you'd like them, in case he's been back more recently. I got chatting with him a few years ago, half way up Mt Taranaki, which I think slowed down both of us but we had all day and it was well worthwhile. He's one of these amazing locals who was on about his 80th ascent, or something, which was insignificant compared with the guy he stopped to yak with on the way down, who was on about his x-thousandth ascent.... so he knows the park quite well. That was my first (and so far only) time to the top, and I felt suitably humbled.
  • I was up it over xmas didn't go far, few windfalls along the track, otherwise its ok to follow track starts opposite a pole on the true left side of the river. for the theres an old red national parks sign at the bottom of the track, 50 metres or so upstream from side stream. couple windfalls just above it. could be slow going due to windfalls, until up in the higher bush is reached. the route across to the stony river along the fenceline from puniho carpaprk is private land, owner is in last house on left going up to roadend. good track down to the stony from the farm
  • thanks for all the info - looking forward to a little of the ruff stuff as relief from the well formed tracks. We will be coming down the puniho track so hoping to cut off this and drop into the river near where the track start is. if the map is correct the track kinks quite close to the river near the bottom.
  • there is a 'lookout' off the puniho track, probably at the point you mention. not sure if can get down into the river, though there is a 'dry weather' track, off the puniho, bit further upstream. it is signposted, (as closed currently, but its ok) the river bed is open down to the park boundary
  • I think we found the lookout you mentioned and we did choose to drop down to the river there (drop being the operative word). It was a bit further up the Stony than we originally thought so it took us a little while to figure this out and go down far enough to pick up the track. No problems following the track, although quite few windfalls lower down which might make it a bit hard to following if coming down the ridge. Was pleasantly surprised to find out that Taranaki scrub is comparatively soft so although a bit of work to push up through it we weren't left bruised and bleeding.
  • the park boundary isn't obvious down the stoney. rest of trip go ok stunted?
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by stunted
On 14 January 2014
Replies 10
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