Over Trousers

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  • Looking at buying a some waterproof pants / over-trousers to wear while its wet or in snow. I currently own a cheap and very lightweight warehouse pair but they let water through once soaked. So any recommendations for a lightweight, inexpensive and waterproof over trousers... My legs do not sweet much so do not need to be overly breathable.
  • I would forget about waterproof if you want cheap. Everyone seems to be hawking these flash Gortex things that cost an arm and a leg. I tend to go for cheap and windproof, preferably strong enough to cope with a bum slide in the snow. I only wear shorts or long johns underneath so water proof doesn't mater. The best pair I had had zips to the waist so I could take them on and off without taking my feet off the ground. I also get a cheap pair of braces and sew them perminantly onto them so I don't have to worry about then slipping down. Where to actually get them, I don't know. There aren't many cheap ones around. The pair I have now I got for about $30 in a hunting shop. They aren't as strong as I would like but if they wear out, what the hell, I might sew a bit of old nylon into the bum.
  • Every now and then an idea thats so simple you wish it had come to you first. Braces! thankyou
  • From what you have said before, I think you have a body shape similar to mine. It is funny how pants want to migrate to somewhere around knees or ankles. Braces are the story. Cut off the silly little clips and sew them directly to the waist band on the overtrou. Then they aren't going anywhere!
  • Eventually brought myself a set of Entrant pants made by Earth Sea Sky... http://www.earthseasky.co.nz/products/enlarged/waterproof/entrant_activewear/entrant_pants.html
  • I was just speaking to someone yesterday who buys a cheap pair of overpants and then cuts the legs off them so he has overpants shorts. He says they are great in the rain because they keep his shorts dry and he also doesn't need to worry about where he sits. I find that a lot of the wetness I get in the rain is from my shorts getting wet and then wicking up to the rest of my clothing. This idea might be worth a try
  • Another good idea i always find it hard to walk in overtrousers as the legs pull against me all the time. the wicking is what gets me so this is worth a try. cold or wet dont really bother my lower legs. You can tell a preference for shorts Another reason i walk alone according to my wife.
  • I've a pair of short of waterproof shorts which are excellent for cycling, but walking I prefer full waterproofs. I've a pair Berghuas Paclite wterproof trousers that I bought in the UK, they have 3/4 length zips so easy to put on, they're lightweight and certainly breathable and waterproof. Being compact too, you don't mind carrying them just incase when on a longer multi day walk. Probably cost a fortune over here no doubt. Indeed I've been disappointed with the range of lightweight waterproof/windproofs generally that seem to be available in NZ.
  • I jsut wear tights 24-7, good against sandflies, mud, snow, wind, river etc. Also good for crawling on my knees though the dracophillym although they are getting rather holey so a new pair will be in order before I go down south again!
  • Another idea is not to wear any shorts at all. I was forced to try this once when I got really bad chafing. I was in a remote area and it didn't matter until a helicopter on a SAR operation suddenly came in very low and landed next to us. A little embarrasing. It is strange how the spaniards look so much more threatening when you aren't wearing shorts.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by militaris
On 25 February 2009
Replies 10
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