
Hello,Ian here,
I am a guide in the Egmont National Park.I guide tours both up Mt Egmont/ Taranaki and trekking tours.Join us.
027 4417 042.

Mt Taranaki/Egmont mountaineer/guide ascents

Mt Taranaki/Egmont mountaineer and guide has made over 1750 ascents of Mt Taranaki. Starting at the age of 11. He has been professionally guiding on the mountain for 20 years. He says he is still loving meeting and guiding people up ...   More ▶︎

Taranaki Speed Records new website

There is a new website out there called Taranaki Speed Records which has some speed records created in the Egmont National Park and beyond.   More ▶︎
Member since 1 February 20071 February 2007
Status Member