Nelson Lakes. Waiau/Thompson Passes/ David Saddle

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  • Hi Chocs, I'm very interested in the photos but I don't do Facebook - do you have them anywhere else? I'm doing this tramp in Feb. and am intending to sidle between Thompson and D'Urville passes (subject to weather). Do you have any pointers? Hey, Skiveoff - sent you a PM (about the time the site relocated) with a few specific questions about your gpx - I'm assuming you didn't see it.
  • Thanks for that chocs. It looks like it will be an amazing trip! Plus, the long range forecast has the next 10 days with sun!
  • Bernieq you can contact me at joe dot ngapo at clear dot net dot nz. I could then send you some photos, etc through email.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by hashi
On 9 January 2009
Replies 12
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