Tramping South Island Jan Feb 09 Hollyford/Copeld

  • Stewart Is is a cool place to visit, if your experienced a round trip up Pyke then round Holiford is some ideas of Stewart Is/Fiordland on my website.
  • Hello Tony, I am flying into Auckland, New Zealand from the USA on January 29th. I plan to make my way down the north and south islands, mostly through hitchhiking and tramping, as I am on a very limited budget. If you are still looking for a travel partner, let me know. I am coming to New Zealand alone, and I am new at this, so I would really appreciate the company and experience :) I am very fit, but I have never tramped before. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • Hi Tony, I'm back from London for 6 weeks and am looking at doing some treks in the middle of the SI. I'm Dunedin based at the moment. The dates I'm next looking at going out are anytime between the 15th - 21st Jan. I have been interested in the Copeland track but I've read that mountaineering gear is required to go over the pass (I've been up to Welcome Flat before). I've done alot of tramping but no crampon/ ice pick work. I would def be interested in the Hollyford if it fits between those dates. Thanks Andrew
  • Tony, I'll be available from 2/11 - 2/16 on my way back from a scientific expedition at the South Pole and am hoping to get out on the trails around the Christchurch area during this time and would definitely be up for tramping if you'll be around. -Cody
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by TonyO
On 19 December 2008
Replies 3
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