Tramping over the Christmas holidays

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  • Hey all, This is going to be my first Christmas in New Zealand and my partner and I want to do an extended multi-day trip somewhere in the south island during our time off. We are just a little concerned about the crowds. I'm just trying to gauge the tramping culture during the holidays here. Do New Zealanders typically stay home for the holidays with family, or do they typically take the family out traveling?
  • You probably won't find the crowds on the tramping tracks. They are usually at the camping grounds and the beaches. If people are doing things it will probably be January. They tend to spend Christmas New Year with family and then head out. I went on a solo trip around Ruapehu one time between Christmas and new Year and had the whole place to myself. Where are you thinking of going?
  • hey that's good news. we're thinking of doing the rees/dart valley with a lay over day to explore the upper region around the dart glacier. was also considering the traverse from nelson lakes to lewis pass but might wait until a little latter in the season for that.
  • You may find you have quite a bit of company on the Rees-Dart. That trip is very popular and the huts, even though big, tend to get quite full, especially Dart Hut where people plan to do exactly what you plan and stay two nights. The Nelson lakes area is also popular but once you get south of Waiau Pass you will probably be on your own.
  • I was planning on taking my tent. Although huts sure are nice during poor weather, I just haven't been able to get used to them. But thanks for the heads up. I'm sure it won't be too bad. Even on a busy day I am sure the congestion can't compare to some of the huts I've seen in the Japanese Alps. On Mount Shirouma two huts are perched at 2900m, one holds 1500 people the other a mere 1000!
  • OMG! 1500 people! Are you serious!!!!
  • Taking a tent will be perfect, then you can camp as close to or as far away from the hut as you prefer. You won't feel crowded on the track, it is only the huts where it can get congested. Dart Hut is good because it has a huge verandah, I dragged mattress out and slept there out of preference. When you get to the Waiau on the way to Lewis Pass you will need a tent. There are no huts except for Caroline Creek Bivy which was only about 2 bunks I think.
  • good news. "OMG! 1500 people! Are you serious!!!!" totally and completely serious. everyone is crammed into the place sleeping on the tatami(grass mats). they serviced with a partial kitchen staff, and draft beer! plus, you have the added bonus of EVERYONE waking up at 4am to watch the sunrise.
  • 1500 people i get a bit twitchy when theres more than a couple of people overnight. 1500!!! isnt New Zealand a wonderful place.
  • The Pinnacles Hut at 80 freaks me out.
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Forum The campfire
Started by dspottydog
On 23 November 2008
Replies 12
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