Wellington region tramping clubs

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  • Hi I recently moved to Wellington and was wondering if anyone can make some recommendations about the local tramping clubs. Cheer
  • There are quite a few, check with Federated Mountain Clubs for a complete list, but three that come to mind are: Tararua Tramping Club www.ttc.org.nz Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club www.wtmc.org.nz Victoria University Tramping Club
  • hi im also new here joined today and am looking joining the hutt valley tramping club www.hvtc.org.nz/index.htm
  • lol I wanted to join the hutt valleys but they did not want me and they did not offer any good trips anyway. Tramping club go to the same places.... except the Hell Mission t.c who are currently trying to bag all the huts New Zealand.....but we are not looking for any members yet.
  • The Hutt Valley Club is a good one. I have a friend who is an active member. They have some good trips. I envy you being in Wellington, it is the home of Tramping as we know it and there are several clubs there with fearsome reputations around the country
  • i plan to go along on wed to the clubnight for a looksee there planed trips look good for my low level of exp
  • Well I hope it goes well. Wellington's really lucky that it has so many different clubs, and they're really diverse in how different they are, and you get different types of people and ways of doing things in the different clubs. If you're keen to join something it's worth looking around to find one that suits you, and don't get put off the whole idea if the first club you look at isn't quite right. Clubs aren't for everyone though -- some people just prefer to always do things on their own or with friends, and that's a great way of doing things too. They vary a lot in the size of the club, types of people you'll go out with, how frequent their trips are and the sorts of trips they go on, and how organised they are. Some clubs have schedules whereas others are more casual. Some clubs also have different policies around things like alcohol, meals (eg. whether everyone arranges their own, or if it's usually group cooking), and transport. I ended up joining a club simply because at the time I first wanted to go tramping a lot, I didn't have a lot of friends who did (although now I do). I checked out a few clubs and eventually decided that the Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering club works best for me, but that really is an individual choice that could be different for everyone.
  • ha wellington also is the home of the Hell Mission T.C, hutt valley t.c are too old for me, tramping wit my father is better especially since he don't know where were goin most of the time so I can lead him over 1 whole map in one day.....bagging every hut in the vicinity!
  • I have had so many wonderful experiences with Tramping Clubs over the years and I think it is a little sad that the Tramping Club culture seems to be dying. Sadly the Tramping Club age group is getting older and more and more people prefer to do their own thing. I hear people say that Tramping Clubs go too fast or that there are too many people on trips, none of which I believe are true. When going along to a Tramping Club it can be a bit daunting at first. It may appear cliquie, but that is only because people become very close because they tramp together so much. When going to a club, it is no good just going to meetings, you must get out on the trips. You will then find that you are quickly accepted into the group and become part of the team. I also believe that club tramping is one of the safer ways to tramp. On a typical trip you will get people of a whole range of experience on a trip, right from those on their first trip to those who have tramped for years. On a typical club trip you will probably have more than one person who is capable of leading it. The leader will usually draw on the experience of all those people in a time of crisis. Compare this with most other outdoor senarios like guide-client, teacher-pupil etc. They usually rely on one strong leader who makes all the descisions which I think can make things a little brittle when things go wrong.
  • not being an expert i would prefir a slower pace pmke and also i find that yo lern better when not rushing and takeing time to talk to those who know better !!
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Forum The campfire
Started by KevIII
On 15 November 2008
Replies 39
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