Travers Peak - Trovatore - Henry Saddle

  • Hey, resonably new to tramping in the South Island, and am just wondering wether snow would be along this track/route around this time of year? Pretty keen to give it a go in a week or two, just being cautious about snow etc as I don't have much experience with it. Thanks! :)
  • depends on the latest snow fall, the danger goes up and down like a yo yo
  • Just been up that way this past weekend (28-29 Sept). Still a bit of snow on the peaks, probably from about 1500-1600m upwards. Didn't look to be a huge amount, but as we were down in the valley can't completely comment of the conditions. Been a lot of rain up there too, so snow likely to be quite soft and perhaps a bit prone if there was enough of it. How experienced are you in other areas of the country & in snow? Might be there deciding factor.
  • more snow on the way this week
  • thanks for the info! might just leave it for a month or two to be safe.. :)
  • No problem. I'm doing a weekend tramp Oct 19-20 along the tops of the Spenser Mtns from Zampa along to Ada Pass so the route is immediately north of Trovatore & Henry Saddle. Could let you know what conditions are like - am now expecting plenty of snow on the route given it's been snowing all day here in Oxford.
  • While we`re in the vicinity,has anyone travelled between Amuri & Hope Passes?Looks okay on the topo but they can`t be relied on.We`re keen to do the Doubtful/Hope circuit & take in that hot pool near Hope Pass.
  • Lew I haven't done the join up of those passes via the main divide but understand it is ok apart from a bit of scrub. I've talked with two people who've been up there. There are route notes about for the saddle above Lake Man bivvy which joins the Hope & Doubtful Rivers if you were meaning that route. I'm hoping to do a trip up on to the Doubtful Range tops this coming summer.
  • Cheers for that.We,I,am keen on staying close to the Divide & have also heard elsewhere that there`s a bit of monkeyscrub to contend with.It`ll be later in the season after the thaw.Like a lot of routes,it`ll be a `suck & see` & have a plan `B`.
  • OK, so have just done the trip over the Zampa tops this past weekend. Patches of snow but for the most part avoidable - mostly located on eastern slopes just off the ridgeline. We used our ice axes for one short section just for security, given the runout was terrible, and the ice had a reasonably firm crust to it early in the morning. Afternoon would have been fine once it had softened a little, a party through the afternoon before us went through it no problem. Looking across to the Opera Range conditions looked similar, but not having done the traverse you're looking at I can't comment on what the ridgeline travel would be like - on our trip we could easily sidle west of the ridge when necessary, thus avoiding the snow on steeper terrain, but don't know if the same can be done between Travers & Trovatore. My assessment would be that if you're moderately competent then you would mange fine - unless we have another snow dump!! Cheers.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by liamafl
On 29 September 2013
Replies 9
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