new kime hut

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  • article in stuff
  • Sad. I have quite a bit of experience in these cladding systems, we did the emergency shelter on the Routeburn harris saddle for guided walks about ten years back. I can see the system they have used from the pic in this link, it appears to be the older system (which was mint btw) and has been superseded now by a 'new' system under the E2/AS1 (exterior waterproofing) regulations. The inspector is just being a prat basically, most councils ignore stupid things like this as its beyond the scope of their inspectors and comes down to design. Its just like when you get your house signed off, some inspectors are total twats, they think they know it all and wont sign off the code of compliance based on their own personal ideals. I can see this is most likely whats going on here, shame because the public suffers. Code of compliance is only really valid if the property is going to be on sold, but I guess this is more a case of insurance concerns. Whatever the outcome, you can guarantee that some white collar criminal makes off with another 100k of our money. Maggots
  • I don't want to get anyone in trouble, but that explanation sounds more-or-less consistent with various views I've heard from people I'd expect to know stuff.
  • builder mate of mine had the exact same opinion as Damon. only he wasnt as polite as damon
  • From Kime Hut's page on the doc website: Kime Hut now open Construction work at the hut has been completed and the hut is open for public use from Thursday 17 April onwards. Issued: 17 April 2014
  • @Matthew I notice in the "Recent Alerts" page there is an alert for Kime, I'm not sure how to remove, can you please? Cheers
  • No problem, done.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by waynowski
On 20 May 2013
Replies 37
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