Child carriers

  • Does anybody have experience with these, or tips? I see Macpac's model is on sale at the moment, so tempted to impulse shop.
  • that was quick:)
  • impulse shop = for the possible future paying retail = urgent need
  • i've seen a lot of people using them, you could do worse than macpac,, at east you know it will last, they still make pretty bombproof packs, i've got other recent designs of their packs and they are still as solid as
  • I have used the Possum for a number of years. Make sure you get the rain cover, pillow and sun cover. I am not sure it's worth it going for the Vamoose unless you are going to be the only adult or need to carry the extra gear. We carried our son until he was 3 and a half.
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Forum The campfire
Started by matthew
On 31 October 2012
Replies 4
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