Joy as lost hunter found after four days

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  • I`ve carried a beacon for several years now;a bit like a life jacket-you`re never gonna use it until.... Peace of mind but doesn`t replace between the ears.I purchased the GPS enabled version for an extra few bob but have since learned that this just gives RCC in Wellington your location to within 10 metres.Once there`s a bird in the air,a standard beacon will show the pilot your exact location. My main reason for owning one-as a SAR member,the bar-tab would be horrendous if I was dragged out by Methven SAR!
  • Yes, I always carry a PLB. I had to use it once in 2004 and now its part of my regular equipment like the first aid kit and raincoat.
  • bear grylls doesnt advertise that much that his crew are carrying a PLB
  • They don't need to, as he has a chopper on constant standby no matter where he and his crew are.......!
  • and always within easy reach of the nearset luxury accomodation...
  • Easy........if you can afford a chopper.....!
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 25 October 2012
Replies 15
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