Feb 2013 Douglas Landsborough Mueller Pass travers

  • Hello out there.... I'm planning a trip into the landsborough next year and have been searching for information about the country and people experiences . Has anyone found a route around the glacial lake in the Douglas, across the glacier and over the pass into the landsborough?. Negotiating the Karangarua pass looks very dangerous, negotiating 10m wide scree along 300m bluffs! At this stage I may take inflatable inner tube and row my way around the cliffs and glacier... If I make it into the Landsbdorough, I will either head over the broderick pass or preferably the Mueller pass. Then walk valley to west coast highway. Has anyone climbed up the Zora canyon and over the pass? There appears to be a high level sidle on the tru left and some benches at the head of the valley below the pass. From where the climb can be started. If anyone has any experiences or knowledge they could share, that would be appreciated. Regards Sam
  • have you read muirs guide?
  • Yep, Moirs Guide North is an excellent place to start. I have been up the Zora and over Mueller Pass. It was quite a few years ago now, so details are a bit hazy, but I do know we had a prick of a scrub bash below the Pass in the head of the Mahitahi. My advice would be to sidle high above the scrub and under the bluffs on the true right until you get to a creek bed that can take you down to the main river. We leveled some ground to accommodate two Olympus tents on the true left at the junction of Uaroa Creek. This was 15 yrs ago, so the campsite might not be there now.
  • Quite a long time ago we came over douglas pass, hardest bit was getting up off the morain to climb towards the pass (bit of a scramble) rest of the climb to teh pass pretty straight forward. On the way down it was just a matter of working through a series of small bluffs, from memory we would head down till there was a bluff then usually move to the right untill we could head down again tillw e hit the flats. Nothing difficult in the descent but need to have visibility to route pick. Stayed at Harpers Rock Biv. To get down onto the glacier the hardest bit was a couple of meters of very steep loose rock scramble at the beginning of the descent. Cross the glacier then climbed quite high before starting to sidle round the true right of the lake. As you look down the lake there is an obvious step that drops into the lake part way round and you need to come across the top of this. We started quite a bit higher and worked down to this. After here we dropped to the lake shore, a semi controlled slide down a scree gut - not sure if it would be possible to get up it. Then caried on round the shore line with one waist deep wade to get around a large boulder.
  • Hi tararua 1, wondering how you got on with this trip? Am looking at doing similar in early march 2019 so would be keen for some advice about certain aspects of it. I am also from the tararua region (Alfredton) so would be keen for a chat.
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Forum The campfire
Started by tararua1
On 18 October 2012
Replies 4
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