Deadmans Track January 2013

  • Hello all, I look for someone who wants to join me on Deadmans Track. I'm 31 year old German guy. Actually I have no fixed date for the tramp, just at any time between 10. and 22. January. I have no experience in tramp such terrain, that´s why I don’t want to walk alone. Some years ago I tryed ist upwards but I had to turn around. This time I will do it downwards. The plan is to start at Routebourn Shelter to Routebourn Falls Hut, stay there over night, and then take the Deadmans Track downwards to Guns Camp. So if you are interested in joining this Track, please let me know! Johannes
  • take an emergency locator beacon, that's one place you're likely to have an accident and need it....
  • the track os not one that DOC maintains regularly so expect it to be quite rough.
  • yeah i put all that information in, but he deleted it.....
  • Be aware that the Routeburn Track is designated a Great Walk and bookings are required to stay at any of the huts and no camping option at Routeburn Falls hut. There's a strong chance that most of these huts will be fully booked at this peak time. Consider leaving the car park really early, say 4am. You will be at Harris Saddle to see the sunrise and at Gunns Camp easily in time for tea. I did this a couple of years back.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by strongbow
On 17 October 2012
Replies 4
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