Backpack liner

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  • maybe its time for a gear review forum?
  • Well, there is a gear forum. Is a gear review forum different?
  • Pack liners are awesome. Pack covers are dangerous. In NZ weather you may as well strap a parachute to your back.
  • of course theres a gear forum how could i have missed it? I think i was imagineing something a little different and hoping you computer geeks would suddenly get carried away and develop something really sexy that we could all oh and ah over:)
  • of course theres a gear forum how could i have missed it? I think i was imagineing something a little different and hoping you computer geeks would suddenly get carried away and develop something really sexy that we could all oh and ah over:)
  • Backpack covers are very popular over here in North America and there are a number of designs available. Pack liners are available but NA hikers prefer the covers. I've used a pack cover for years, putting it over my pack when it starts to rain. The first one I had wasn't so good, but the designs have improved. Of course, to make sure my sleeping bag stays dry, I put it into a plastic bag inside my pack.Here's a link to a Canadian supplier of outdoor gear.
  • I used to think pack covers were pointless, but in the last couple of years I've noticed quite a few locals using them. Not with any expectation of keeping things dry inside, but simply to keep the water off their packs for longer. They seem quite useful around packs that soak up water as part of their waterproofing (notably many Macpac Aztec packs). More than a few times, I found my pack was increasingly heavy from water when other people's stayed nearer their original weight. When it's windy or when off-track of course, it's usually advisable to put it away.
  • Thanks for the tips about the wind and pack covers. I'm on my way to NZ to do some tramping. I'll make sure I have everything inside my pack well protected in plastic bags, just in case my pack cover turns into a parachute and I have to remove it.
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31–38 of 38

Forum The campfire
Started by t-friis
On 20 August 2008
Replies 31
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