Strange hut expriences

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  • If any response made in these forums is considered out of line , the aggrieved person can refer their complaint to the appropriate quarter ie Webmaster. The pen may be mightier than the sword but "Nobody said thst it was going to be easy Princess"
  • Hi everybody, I have been watching this thread for a couple days now and I feel it's time to step in. These forums are open for discussion, and that means an airing of a variety of views that may be baseless, inaccurate, ill-considered, or different from yours. These are tolerated: disagreement, argument, negativity, criticism of society. These are not tolerated: lack of respect to other members of this community, specific attacks of individuals in the wider community, anything that may cause legal issues, commercial or off-topic messages, bullying, attacks on groups of people based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or similar. By not tolerated, I mean your access will be blocked. Other content may be deleted at my discretion. Several posts above reflect a lack of respect for other members of this forum, bordering on bullying. Sure, disagree, but do it with respect, or you will find yourself locked out. With regards to Wilderness magazine, I think that it is easy to criticise, but keeping a magazine on a niche topic in print must be a challenge, and I think we are lucky to have it. Magazines (and websites) don't run themselves. Given that the original poster to this thread is probably long gone and unlikely to come back, I would suggest we let this thread go.
  • Ka pai , e hoa
If this post breaches forum rules, please flag it for review.
71–73 of 73

Forum The campfire
Started by Galeforce
On 24 August 2012
Replies 72
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