DOC Track Reports

  • Hi Fellow Trampers and Trampeze I am getting fit again to tramp as I havent been for a while and my last two attempts have been thwarted. Last weekend, from Christchurch, I wanted to go up to Woolshed Creek - cruzy and no rivers to cross and the road leading to the track was closed. Last Thursday I thought I would have a look at the Avoca Homestead, explore the area and stay for a night or two, but thwarted again I was.........DOC had put a sign up saying the bridge across Broken River was unsafe - this after an hours drive opening and closing gates galore, crossing railway lines and avoiding dead cattle. Do DOC (or anyone else) have track reports showing when they are closed?? I would be happy to hear from anyone regarding this. Happy Tramping Dave
  • The DOC website does have track info, unfortunately not all DOC Regions are created equal. While some put a lot of really good info up, some don't, and then it can be very hard to find. Under each region you will find a media release page. For wellington the path is as follows, "By region > Wellington > About DOC > News > Media releases" Which gets you to this page Or Also there are alerts found by "Parks & recreation > Plan & prepare > Alerts" which gets you here But as I said while some regions are very good, others are lacking. Your best bet is to contact your local DOC office by phone or by calling in, I have always find them very friendly and happy to assist. Also on their site you can do a search for the track or hut you want to visit.
  • Hi Dave I have been into the Avoca hut quiet a few times over the years and that sign on the bridge across the Broken River to the old but now new Homestead has been there for about 3 or four years, When I first went there the bridge use to go a bit further across the river but over the years bit just keep falling off. The last time I was there you could still use that bridge but getting off the other end was a bit hairy lol. Its still a great place to visit,I havent acually seen the new homestead since it has been all done its all worth getting the feet wet to cross the river. Cheers and Happy Tramping.
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Forum The campfire
Started by dharrow
On 9 August 2008
Replies 2
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